Managers FAQs
Is there really almost no paperwork due to HR on day one of employment?
Correct! This is part of the online onboarding. The goal is for HR to lead the applicant through completing the paperwork prior to day one, so that when they arrive, they are ready to work. The exception is the I-9 form for retail and warehouse employees, which must be completed when they start.
How are holidays paid out when the observed day is different from the actual holiday?
​​​​​​​Retail and warehouse employees who work on the actual holiday are paid 1.5x pay for the hours worked on that holiday. For full-time employees who receive paid holidays and work on the actual holiday, the hours worked are paid out at 1.5x and any remaining hours up to 8 are paid at the regular rate of pay.
Admin employees who work on the observed holiday are paid 1.5x pay for the hours worked on that observed holiday. No additional pay is given for working on the actual holiday. For full-time employees who receive paid holidays and work on the observed holiday, the hours worked are paid out at 1.5x and any remaining hours up to 8 are paid at the regular rate of pay. Prior approval must be obtained from the department manager before working on an observed holiday.
All other FT employees who do not work on the actual holiday receive 8 hours paid at the regular rate of pay for the observed holiday.
What happens to PTO and sick time when an employee leaves?
When an employee leaves Innowave, they forfeit any unused sick time. Unused PTO (vacation) time is paid out on the last paycheck at the employee's regular rate of pay.
When will an employee who leaves receive their final paycheck?
Except in situations where state law dictates otherwise, last paychecks are always run during the regular payroll cycle.